Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Chapter 35

Time continued to pass at lightening speed and before I knew it we were leaving for Detroit.

“So I will see you when I get to Detroit, I can’t believe Michel is letting us stay together while we are there, its going to be great. Have a safe trip hunny and I will see you in a few hours.”

Tyler left for the arena and he still had no idea that we would be flying on my aeroplane. I finished packing and then left for the airport.

I headed off to my own private waiting room, opened my laptop and busied myself until I heard some noise outside. I looked up and noticed the team were arriving so I switched the laptop off and packed it back in its bag. Moments later they burst into the room.

“You great girl, I love you.” I heard Geno announce to me as he walked over and hugged me.

“Thanks Geno, I love you too but what is with the show of emotions?”

“You have aeroplane for us to fly so I love you.” His broken English makes me weak at the knees every time I speak to him. I think he will become a good friend of mine.

“Gill, you never fail to amaze me, I can’t believe you never told me about this?” Tyler kisses me and then sits down beside me.

“I wanted it to be a surprise.”

A short while later we boarded the plane and almost straight away the team took out their PSP’s and started play Call of Duty, occasionally you would hear raised voices as someone killed some else, it was very amusing to watch but very distracting as I prefer to work in peace and quiet.

About half way through the flight I heard a shout from the front of the plane.

“Gill is there food on this thing, I am so hungry.”

The air hostess arrived moments later with snacks for everyone much to the guys delight.

We soon arrived in Detroit and filled the bus that was put on for us. The short ride to the hotel was uneventful until we pulled up outside to see that some fans were waiting. I left the guys as they signed autographs to check into the hotel, I made my way up to my room and switched my laptop on again.

I undressed and climbed into the shower to unwind some before doing some work for the remainder of the day. Moments later I was joined by Tyler.

“Hey Sexy any room for me in there?” He asks as I see him undress through the frosted glass doors.

I remain silent as he opens the door and joins me under the scolding hot water.

“Wow” He comments as he stands looking me up and down, his hand reaching out and touching my waist with the tips of his fingers.

“I never get fed up of seeing your body, I swear it gets more beautiful every time.”

I lower my head trying to hide the embarrassment from being complimented only to have him place a finger under my chin and lift my face to look at him.

“You are just going to have to get used to me complimenting you because it is going to happen on a regular basis forever more.”

He leaned in and kissed me and what started gentle soon heated up. Soon our tongues were fighting for possession and our hands were exploring each others body, before I knew what was happening I was pinned against the wall with TK working his magic. We climaxed together, enjoying the hot water run down over us we stayed in each others arms for a few moments longer.

“Right Mister, sorry to disappoint but I am here on a business trip so therefore I have work to do. And you need to go and meet the team, I will see you in a few hours for the evening meal.

I dressed in a pair of fitted shorts and a vest and lay down on the bed with my laptop.

“Gill, you cannot dress like that and expect me to keep my hands to myself.” I feel TK come over and run his hands up and down my back and I wanted nothing more than to have a replay of what had just taken place in the shower.

“Sorry gorgeous but you need to get down and meet the team, I will see you soon.”

We kissed passionately but gently, full of emotion and moments later Tyler left.

I logged on to my emails and found that I had mail from my brother telling me that him, his girlfriend, his son and our parents were coming over for Christmas, ‘great’ I thought to myself, ‘more disapproval from the people who are supposed to love me the most, I am certainly not looking forward to the festivities now.’

I spent the next couple of hours working and eventually switched off the laptop to get ready for the meal that I was asked to attend with the team. I was the only girlfriend on the trip and was a bit concerned that I would feel out of place or like I was intruding.

I looked through the clothes that I had taken with me and decided on a pair of baggy hipster jeans, a fitted V neck jumper and flat sandals. I knew that we were not leaving the hotel tonight so I threw my hair into a messy ponytail leaving a few stray bits down around my face, grabbed my phone and room key shoving them into my pockets and made my way down to the restaurant.

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Chapter 34

Once again I am really sorry for the long wait between the chapters. I am now in my 3rd trimester of my pregnancy so I am tired all the time. Hope you all had a great festive period and 2010 brings all you could hope for.


We spent the next few hours talking, discussing what we had been doing the last month with both of us admitting that we had shut our friends out, I decided to be fairly honest with him about the pain that I had been in but didn’t go into to much detail so that I could spare him the guilt that I knew he already felt and I definitely did not tell him about the nightmares.

“Why don’t I phone Jordan and tell him to invite everyone round, we don’t need to tell them about us yet, it can be a surprise when they get here.”

“That would be great hunny you are a star.”

I went to the kitchen counter to pick up my phone and I dialed Jordan’s number, he picked up after 2 rings.

“Hey Gill, good to hear from you. How are you?” He asks in his usually bubbly voice.

“I am not too bad thanks. I have decided it is time to get out of this rut that I am in and invite everyone round this afternoon, I miss all you guys. Are you free?” I ask trying not to sound to happy.

“Yeah of course I am free especially for you, what time do you want me round?”

“Any time Jordan, could you please phone the guys? I will phone Vero, Lorna and Clair.”

“Yeah of course, do you want me to call TK?” He asks as his tone of voice changes.

“Yep, he is part of the team and we can’t avoid each other forever.”

“Ok cool, he probably won’t come, he never does anything any more and we miss him. How did your talk go with him last night? I was not sure whether to leave you or not.”

“There was a lot of shouting going on, we both got a lot of things of our chest but that’s about it.”

“Ok Gill, I will talk to you more soon, I will get to phoning everyone and will see you in a couple of hours.”

Next I phoned Lorna.

“Hey Gill, it is good to hear from you.”

“Thanks Lorna, do you and Sid fancy coming round for a while today? I have asked Jordan to ask everyone.”

“Oh that would be great, I am so excited. See you soon.”

Good, no questions means no lies I thought as I hung up the phone.

Next I phoned Vero.

“Hey Lovely how are you?” She answers the phone sounding as cheery as always.

“Hey V, I am ok thanks how are you? Would you and Marc-Andre like to come round today? I have asked Jordan to ask all the team.”

“We would love too, we have missed you so much Gill, I can’t wait to see you.”

We finished up the conversation and lastly I phoned Clair having pretty much a word for word conversation with her as I had had with Vero only moments before.

Shortly after Tylers phone rang.

“Hey Staalzy, what is up?” He answered trying to sound solemn.

“I don’t know, it probably is not a good idea, I don’t want to ruin it.” He smiled at me when he was not talking. It was amusing only hearing one side of the conversation although I could only imagine what Jordan was saying to him.

“I miss you guys too, I might come down for a while later, I’ll see. See ya later, have fun.”

We sat talking for a while and soon it is was time for everyone arriving, we decided that Tyler had better hide until everyone arrived so he locked himself in the basement and I said I would text him when it was safe to come up.

Many of the guys started arriving helping themselves to bottles of beer out of the fridge and telling me they were so pleased to see me, it felt good to be in their company again.

Soon Jordan arrived giving me a big hug as soon as he saw me.

“Don’t you ever do that to me again” He says as he held me close to him.

“I have missed you too Jordan” I laugh as I pull away from him.

“Go and get yourself a drink.” I say as I walk off to answer the door again.

I open the door to see Vero, Marc-Andre and a large ‘Me to You’ Grey Bear Teddy.

“This is for you Gill to cuddle on the cold winter nights, I know he won’t replace Tyler but he can look after you.” Vero hands him to me and gives me a big hug.

“I have missed you so much Gill, please don’t ever shut me out like that again, you are one of my best friends and I have hated not being able to help you.”

“Thanks V, I am sorry for shutting you out, I know it was wrong.”

I sat the big teddy on the stairs and he looked adorable, he stood about 4.5 feet tall and wore a lilac jumper with the words ‘Always Friends’ sown into the front of it.

Soon everyone had arrived and I was so happy to have them all back in my company again, I had been such an idiot to shut everyone out, especially Lorna, V and Clair, I have missed them so much.

I went into the kitchen and when no one was looking I sent Tyler a text telling him that everyone was here. I poured myself a glass of wine and heard the basement door open. He managed to make his way over to me without anyone noticing and gave me a quick kiss.

“I am going to knock at the door, let someone else answer it. I will go out the back, I can remember how to get round without being noticed.”

I started laughing to myself when I heard a voice behind me.

“What can you possible be laughing at in an empty kitchen?” Vero asks as she approaches me with an empty wine glass.

“I was just thinking about the last time I had you all round here and I surprised Jordan with the basement.” I answer as I hear the door bell.

“Jordan, can you answer that please?” I ask as he is enters the kitchen right on cue.

“Yeah but you have to open me another bottle of beer as way of repayment.” He jokes as he places his empty bottle down and heads for the door.

“Oh hi TK” I hear a shocked voice come from Jordan.

“Hey Staalzy, how’s it going?” Tyler answers sounding cheery and I hear his footsteps on the hall floor.

“Eh yeah things are good and you?” Staalzy answers.

“Good, why do you look like a stunned rabbit caught in the cars headlights, you invited me here didn’t you?” By this time they were both in the kitchen and I was trying to carry on with my conversation with Vero and I noticed Jordan shaking his head as if snapping out of his state of shock.

“Sorry I am just surprised to see you here, it is great that you have decided to come, we have all missed you mate.” Jordan gives him a manly hug and I see Tyler give me a sly smile behind both Jordans and Vero’s back.

I refill my glass of wine and head to the living room with Vero so that we can sit with everyone else. Vero sits down on Marc-Andres knee and I sit down at the piano as there are no seats left. Moments later Jordan and Tyler come through and I avoid eye contact with Tyler so that no one suspects anything.

Jordan sits down on the rug in the middle of the floor and Tyler looks about unsure of where to go. I eventually make eye contact with him giving him a little nod as if to say to come to me.

He came and stood behind me putting his arms around my shoulders, I looked around the room, many people not noticing but there were a few gasps and shocked faces. Suddenly Max turned round when he saw the look on Vero’s face.

“Tyler what are you doing?” He asks almost angry getting up from his seat.

“I am giving my girlfriend a hug Max, is that alright with you?” Tyler replies as he sits down beside me on the stool.

“Do you think after the way you treated her that you can come back in here and act like nothing has happened, you broke her heart for fuck sake. You are my friend TK but so is Gill and I hate the thought of you hurting her.” His accent is adorable and concern strongly evident in his voice, Max tries to be the hard man but he really is just a big softy.

I got up and walked towards Max as he strides across my large room and as I reach him I place my hands on his shoulders.

“Please calm down Max. Thank you for your concern, I really appreciate it.

“Tyler and I spent hours yesterday and again today talking and shouting at each other, trying to work through what happened.” I explained as I look around the room. “I am never going to forget how he made me feel, how my heart has been broken ever since that night he came back from Sweden but I know now that he did what he did because he thought in the long term it was the right thing to do. He knows now that was not the case.

“We both love each other so much and have been so lost without one and other so we have decided to give our relationship another try, we are going to work at it together and see if we can make things work this time.

“I realise a lot of you will probably not agree with what we are doing but the love we share is to strong just to give up on and I would really appreciate if you could all support us.

“We are both really sorry for shutting you all out over the last month and we will do what we can to it make it up to you all.”

I looked back at Max, my hands still on his shoulders.

“I guess I just don’t really understand Gill, I have never had someone look at me the way you look at Tyler and I guess in a way I am jealous. If you both want to try again I for one will support you.” He leaned forward pulling me into a hug.

“Right enough of this, lets get this party started.” Max pulls away and turns to the guys.

“Gill I better not stay as I have left Eric alone in my house and since he has come to visit I actually better spend some time with him.” I hear Jordan speak to me as he gets up from the floor.

“Why didn’t you bring him with you?” I ask looking at him confused.

“He was not invited.” He answers sounding serious.

Without saying anything more I reach into his pocket of his jeans and take out his phone, I scroll down his call list until I find Eric.

“Hey Bro, what’s up?” He answers sounding exactly like Jordan.

“Eric its Gill, I am one of Jordans friends and all of the team are at my house having a party just now. Would you like to come?” I ask.

“That would be amazing, thanks Gill, see you soon.”

The rest of the party went well, it was so good to be in everyone’s company again, I had missed them all so much. It was also unbelievable how much Eric and Jordan were alike I can’t wait to meet the other two.