Monday, 4 July 2011

Hello all.....

Hi everyone.

How are you all??

So as most of you know I have a little soft soft for our Tyler Kennedy and when he was not signed before 1st July I was so worried that I would see my wee hunny go to another team so as you can imagine I was very happy to see that he has signed for the Pens for another 2 years!!!

Talking of signings though I cannot believe that Max has gone to the Philly! Of all teams to go to why would he choose them, I just do not understand.... I am disappointed Max, I really am.

Anyway... on a different note. I have written some more of Love at First Sight, if anyone still interested in this story or would you rather I just posted some more short stories.

I would love to know what you all think.

Hope your all having a good summer and the weather is better than it has been here is Scotland.

I looking forward to hearing from you all xxx