Before I post the next chapter I would just like to say that despite last nights terrible loss I still have faith in the Pens, I still think that they can win, the definitely will win game 6, there is no way they will let those Red Wings beat them on home ground again, especially after a loss like last night. I know they can do it. LETS GO PENS!!!
Also, if anyone is still reading this can you leave me a comment to let me know what you think of it, my confidence in the story is a bit low just now because I am not sure that anyone is even still reading it. All comments are welcome, good or bad. Thanks.
And now for the next chapter!!!
I got up at my usual time to go for my run and swim before heading off to work knowing that I will have so much do to, I guess it serves me right for taking a day off.
Right enough my day was constant. I had so much to do and was so glad when the girls started appearing at about 1630.
“You look stressed Gill” Clair tells me as she gives me a hug.
Clair is Petr Sykora’s wife and she is lovely.
“I have had such a busy day, there is still so much going on with regards to the company takeover and I have a never ending list of people wanting to talk to me. I love my job but on days like this I wish I could run away and hide. I am glad it is Friday.”
“Why don’t you employ someone to do your job and then all you have to do is spend the money?” I hear Max’s current bimbo ask.
She is one of the girls that Vero told me is not faithful but then again I can’t imagine Max ever being faithful either.
“I love my company and I love working here, believe it or not, not everything is about money.
“Clair, I hear you are a big fan of books?”
I change the subject before Tracey (Max’s girlfriend) gets a chance to answer.
“Yeah I love them, I am always reading.”
“I am going to a book awards ceremony next week in New York when the guys are away, would you like to come to the office and see the library in the basement and then come to the awards with me? You will get good food, be able to meet some great authors and most likely get to take some never to be published books home with you. I will also put us up in one of the nicest hotels I have ever seen. I was thinking about asking Vero to come along too even though I know she is not a book worm like us.”
“That would be amazing, we will have to go out shopping before hand and get beautiful dresses.” She answers sounding so excited.
“Cool, well why don’t we go to New York on Tuesday so that we have most of Wednesday to shop before the awards at night?”
“Great I can’t wait.”
We went out for a meal and then some of the girls decided to go out on the town so Lorna, Vero, Clair and I decided just to head back to mine to watch the game. We all text our men and told them to meet us at my house when they got back.
I opened a couple of bottles of wine and put out some nibbles and we settled down to watch the game. The Pens won again so we knew they would be in a good mood when they got back.
“Gill, can you sing us something?” Clair asks once the game is finished.
“I don’t normally sing in front of people.”
“But you have great voice Gill, please?” Vero pleads.
“Come on Gill, I have never heard you play or sing before.” Lorna adds her comments.
“Ok, Ok, what do you want me to sing?”
They all look at each other and if reading each others mind all at once they ask for Tim McGraw and Faith Hill.
“Ok, no bother.”
I sit at the piano and play cords for a moment or two warming up my hands.
“Ok girls this is ‘Like we Never Loved’ by Tim McGraw and Faith Hill"
You never looked so good
As you did last night
Underneath those city lights
Then walking with your friend
Laughing at the moon
I swear you looked right through me
But I'm still living with your goodbyes
And you're just going on with your life
How can you just walk on by
Without one tear in your eye
Don't you have the slightest feelings left for me
Maybe that's just your way
Of dealing with the pain
Forgetting everything between our rise and fall
Like we never loved at all
You, I hear you're doing fine
Seems like you're doing well
As far as I can tell
Time is leaving us behind
Another week has passed
And still I haven't laughed yet
So tell me what your secret is
Just to let it go let it go like you did, like you did
How can you just walk on by
Without one tear in your eye
Don't you have the slightest feelings left for me
Maybe that's just your way
Of dealing with the pain
Forgetting everything between our rise and fall
Like we never loved at all
Did you forget the magic…
Did you forget the passion…
Did you ever miss me…
Ever long to kiss me
How can you just walk on by
Without one tear in your eye
Don't you have the slightest feelings left for me
Maybe that's just your way
Of dealing with the pain
Forgetting everything between our rise and fall
Like we never loved at all
The room was quiet as all the girls took in the meaning of the song, each of them thinking about their lives and the love they have for their men hoping that they will never feel they way that Faith Hill does in this song.
“I am going to sing one more song that makes me think of Tyler, I am not sure if you will know it or not, it is called ‘Home’.
Another sunny day
Has come and gone away
In Paris and Rome
I want to go home
Maybe surrounded by
A million people I
Still feel all alone
I just want to go home
Oh I miss you, You know
And I’ve been keeping all the letters
That I wrote to you
Each one a line or two
I'm fine baby how are you
Well I would send them but
I know it's that it's just not enough
The words were cold and flat
And you deserve more than that
Another aeroplane
Another sunny place
I'm lucky, I know
But I want to go home
I've got to go home
Let me go home
I’m just to far
From where you are
I've got to come home
Let me come home
I've had my run
Baby I'm down
I want to come home
And I feel just like
I'm living
Someone else’s life
It's like I just stepped outside
When everything was going right
And I know just why you could not come along with me
'Cause this was not your dream
But you always believed in me
Another winter day
Has come and gone away
In either Paris and Rome
And I Want To Go Home
I miss you, you know
Let me go home
I've had my run
Baby I'm down
I want to go home
Let me go home
It'll all be alright
I'll be home tonight
I'm coming back home
I again looked around the room as the girls sat with distant looks on their faces knowing that the men they loved all had to face these feelings every time they were away, that although they all loved their jobs they hated leaving their women behind.
“Is everyone ok?” I ask as I close the lid on the piano and went back to the sofa.
“When the guys come round can you sing that song again Gill, it describes what they feel so well and I think it will mean a lot to them.
“Have you told Tyler you love him?” Vero asks.
“Yeah I will play the song.
“What makes you think I love Tyler? I have only known him for just over a week?”
“It is written all over your face Gill, the emotion is your eyes is so strong and we have all seen how you are together. It is ok, we understand and are so happy for you both, you are good together and we have never seen TK like this before, you make him feel like he can be himself, he doesn’t need to pretend anymore.”
“We talked about it the night before last and we told each other then how we are feeling. We admitted that we have fallen in love but are really scared because everything has happened so quickly.”
We all talked for the rest of the evening about our feelings for the men, each of us admitting our fears and insecurities but also smiling about how happy these guys make us.
We completely lost track of time and before we knew it we heard the front door opening and the guys laughing hysterically about something.
“What is so funny?” I ask Tyler as he dumps is stuff and sits down on me giving me a quick kiss.
“You would think that I don’t have enough seats or something.” I say as I see everyone laughing at him.
“We just had a pretty mad journey home everyone has been hyper for some reason.” TK answers as he leans down to kiss me again.
We all sit talking for a while after the boys get themselves something to drink and eat the nibbles that I had put out for the girls.
“We have asked Gill to sing you all a song.” Clair tells the guys as she cuddles in to Petr, “We think it sums up the way you all feel when you are away.”
Tyler moved off me so that I could I get up giving me a reassuring smile as I walk away.
Again I sit down at the piano and warm up my hands.
This song is called ‘Home’
…I’m coming back home.
As I close the lid on the keys I look around everyone again to see all the couples holding each other close, all of the guys except Sidney sobbing slightly, I felt Tyler come up behind me and as I stand up he turns me round and pulls me into him holding me tight.
“I love you so much Gill,” he whispers into my ear.
“I love you too.”
I look at him and wipe his tears away.
‘I know now that I am doing the right thing. His reaction to that song has proved to me just how much he loves me.’
‘I really don’t trust Sidney though, I think he is just using Lorna and I am really worried.’
We all sat talking for a while longer with everyone leaving about an hour later.
Tyler and I went to bed without saying much, both of us content just to be with each one and other. We curled up in each others arms falling fast asleep within minutes.
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I am still reading and still loving it!!!
ReplyDeleteI stumbled across this story a week ago and I love reading it, so please keep writing!! I was excited to read the chapter where she teaches the guys self-defense, but I'm not seeing it on the blog. If it isn't posted, could you please put it up, because I would like to see what happened :)