Sunday, 12 July 2009

Chapter 23

The next morning I completed my usual routine of running and swimming followed by eating some fruit for breakfast and then heading into the office.

I had my normal meeting with Lorna before doing an hours work and soon it was time for Vero and Clair to arrive.

“Hey girlies how are you both?” I ask as they enter my office and I give each of them a hug.

We chatted for a while when Clair asked if she could see the library like I promised.

“Of course you can, just follow me.”

We got the lift down to the basement and I tell Clair to go in first.

“Wow, now this is my idea of heaven, I love it.”

The only way I can think of describing my library is it is very much like the one that the beast presents to Belle in Disney’s Beauty and the Beast with the high roofs and rows upon rows of books.

“Have you ever written a book Gill?” Clair asks as she looks about her in awe.

“Why would you ask such a strange question? Have you ever written a book Clair?” I reply as I smile at her.

“No but I would love too, however I would have no idea where to start. You have studied English and Publishing so I thought maybe you have tried your hand at writing your own book.”

“I have actually written a few books but I have never had any of them published although I did get a couple of them printed. This is my first attempt at writing, it started off as a fanfic about the Penguins, I wrote it when I was still in Scotland but before I put it to print I changed a few names so that it was less obvious who the characters were.” I took a copy from the shelf and handed it to her.

“It is called American Dream, let me know what you think of it.”

“Thank you so much.

“Why is this section behind glass with locked access?”

“Because it is all First-Editions, signed books or rare copies, all books with a high value that nobody gets to touch. I have never read those copies and never plan too I will just leave them there to gain value.”

We talked for a while longer before heading to the airport to catch our flight. When we arrived at the airport I walked off in a different direction to the other two.

“Hey Gill, you are going the wrong way, the gate is this way.” Vero shouted back at me.

“No, you are going the wrong way, come this way please.” I answered mischievously giving them a cheeky smile.

We approached the private check-in desk when I was greeted by a lady from the airport staff.

“Good afternoon Miss Robertson, your plane is waiting for you and we have all your requirements ready. Your pilot today is Captain Smith and your staff are Zoe and Matt. Do you have you and your friend’s passports?”

I handed my passports over and turned to Clair and Vero who had stunned expressions on their faces, their eyes wide and their mouths open.

“Do you have your passports girls?” I asked as I clicked my fingers in front of their faces breaking them from their trance.

“Yeah sorry” They both answer at the same time.

We complete our check-in and are escorted to my plane. The staff ask us to get seated and fasten our seatbelts and they would bring us refreshments after take off is complete.

“So Gill, why did you not tell us that you had your own plane?” Vero smiles at me.

“I wanted it to be a surprise. I am forever going on business trips and I got to the point that I was so annoyed with the service I was getting that I eventually bought my own plane. I let local schools and guiding associations and the likes use it too and I have also said to Ray to mention to the travel desk that they can use it if they want too. We are all actually heading to Detroit at the same time. I just accidently on purpose forgot to tell Tyler and the guys that they are going on my plane with me.”

After the smooth take off was over the flight staff came out with some food for us and a bottle a wine. We chatted for a while and before we knew it we had arrived in New York.

After we left the airport we got a taxi to the hotel.

“I have a couple of hours work I need to do ladies so how about you come up to my room in about 3 hours and we can head out somewhere to get some food and some more wine?” I asked as we waited to get checked in.

“Sounds good, we shall see you soon.”

Once I reached my room I went for a hot shower allowing myself to spend a bit longer under the water. I love the feeling of steaming hot water running down my skin.

‘I wish Tyler was here with me right now, I miss him already.’

I switched off the shower shortly after and heard my mobile phone ringing as I left the bathroom. I looked at the caller display and smiled to myself when I seen that it was Tyler calling.

“Hey Gorgeous, how are you?” I ask sounding excited to hear his voice.

“Hey hunny I am good thanks how are you?” He answers sounding tired.

“I am good thanks, we arrived in New York about an hour or so ago. You sound tired, I hope jetlag is not going to bother you to much.”

“I hope not, I slept most of the flight so I should be ok. We have just checked into the hotel and it looks nice, I am sharing with Jordan so that is cool. We are just going to nap for a bit then go out and explore. We have a skate tonight then training tomorrow morning before the scavenger hunt and then a friendly game against a local team at night.”

“Sounds like you have a busy time ahead of you, just remember to have fun. I just have a couple of hours work to do and then we are going out for food and will take it from there. Tomorrow we are going shopping and then I have a surprise for the girls, we are all getting our hair and make up done before we head down to the awards ceremony.”

“I hope you have fun too hunny, I am missing you so much already, I will bring you back something nice, something to remind you of Europe.”

“There is no need for that. I miss you too but I am sure the week will pass quickly.”

We chatted for about 30 minutes longer.

“As much as I hate doing this gorgeous I really need to get some work done before the girls come down to the room. Call me again soon, I love you lots.”

“I love you too hunny, bye.”

I spent the next while doing work and got really carried away because I was still in my dressing gown when Vero and Clair knocked on the door.

“Hey sorry girls, come in. I won’t be long. TK phoned and then I must have got so engrossed in my work because time just ran away with me.”

“That’s ok don’t worry. Why don’t you dry your hair and we will look out something for you to wear? How is TK? Marc said they had a good flight and they have a lot planned for the next few days.”

“Thanks. TK said much the same.”

I blow dried my hair and then quickly straightened it, I am lucky enough to have straight hair anyway but if I use the straighteners it shows of the layers slightly better. I got changed into the outfit that the girls had chosen for me so I ended up wearing skinny black jeans, brown knee high stiletto boots and a light brown v-neck fitted jumper with my brown suede cowboy style jacket.

We went out to a lovely restaurant and had the most delicious meal of course accompanied by some wine.

“I started reading your book Gill when you were working this afternoon, I am guessing the female lead is based on you and I think the male is Sid. It is really good and I can’t wait to read more, I want to know if they will eventually get together.”

“I am saying nothing. Once you have finished it I will email you the link to the original fanfic that it was based on because I published it on the internet a while back.”


We stayed out for a few more drinks before heading back to the hotel. We agreed our time to meet and then all went our separate ways.

I lay in bed reading for a while when I heard my phone beep signalling a new text.

‘Hey hunny, miss you lots but having so much fun. Love you and will talk to you tomorrow.’

‘I am glad you are having fun Tyler. I miss you too, more than words can explain. Love you lots too. Take care xx’

At that I put my book down, switched off my light and quickly fell fast asleep.